First Eucharist Handbook
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are typically received in a child’s second consecutive year of family Faith Formation. Children as young as seven years old are considered to have reached the age of reason and are eligible toreceiveFirstReconciliationandFirstEucharistaslongastheyhavereceived2consecutiveyears of formation. In the younger grades, children receive two years of religious instruction with additional preparation for the Sacraments in the second year. Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in our parish takes its form in our class sessions, as family sessions in the church and as family instruction outside of the regular faith formation sessions. This is a faith journey for the whole family as we renew our understanding of and commitment to the gifts of grace we receive in the Sacraments. Following family sacramental preparation sessions, activity materials may be sent home with the families to help parents continue sacramental preparation at home. Attending Mass each week and continuing the conversation of our faith and the sacraments that Jesus instituted for us will ensure a well-rounded formation that forms a strong foundation for their entire lives.
There will be a preparation session for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Children will then have the opportunity to receive the sacrament in the weeks that follow that session. There will be a family meeting, a family retreat and family practice in preparation for First Eucharist. (Sacramental preparation does count toward the family Explore 4 expectation if a reflection is completed.) The dates for the reception of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist will be assigned.
Children who begin in our program at higher grade levels and are in need of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist will be ministered to in a pastoral manner and on an individual basis. Two years of formal instruction and preparation are still required to meet diocesan expectations.