Sacrament Preparation -Confirmation

St. Jude aims to inspire teens and their families to help them grow in the knowledge of the Catholic Church and create habits in faith practices of gratitude, prayer and Sacraments.  In the 2024-2025 curriculum year, we will begin using “Chosen: Your Journey to Confirmation,” a curriculum built by Ascension Press for Confirmation preparation. “Chosen” is a catechetical journey for teenage Confirmation candidates (also called Confirmandi) and is designed to provide the essential intellectual and spiritual catechesis that is so vital to sacramental preparation. 

St. Jude families will have access to the online materials for this program while being given a teen workbook as well as parent and sponsor guides.  Families will also have access to the Hallow app, a supplement to our program which introduces many facets of prayer as various steps in our journey through life require prayer.  Our office staff as well as our catechists will be introducing meditations, prayers and music from the app to the students throughout the year. We will also schedule parent sessions through the year using material from Chosen, Presence, The Search, Symbolon, along with other Catholic resources such as Ascension Press, Augustine Institute, and Word on Fire.