Exodus World Service
Every Sunday, Saturday, from 02/15/2025 to 02/23/2025, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
If You Want Peace, Work for Justice...........Pope Paul VI
The mission of the Peace & Social Justice Ministry is to assist parishioners in continuing Jesus' mission, His work and His service to others. The ministry educates, organizes and acts on social issues facing our local and global community by deepening an awareness of the Gospel's call to love our neighbors.
Peace & Social Justice Ministry is based on the seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching which are:
Throughout the year, programs and action opportunities are provided to parishioners including regular sales of fair trade coffee and other food items, letter-writing campaigns to our legislators, cultivating a parish garden that serves the hungry, assisting refugee families, and more. We also provide educational opportunities through presentations on various issues including poverty and hunger, non-violence, immigration, human trafficking, peace initiatives, care for creation and more.
Peace & Social Justice meets monthly from September through June in Franciscan Hall, usually on the third Monday of the month. Dates are published in the bulletin. For more information contact Lorrie Tracy at 815-485-8049.
"The church has a responsibility towards creation and she must assert this responsibility in the public square". (Pope Benedict) The Peace & Social Justice ministry strives to incorporate principles of the Laudato Si' Goals in the spirit of Pope Francis
Peace & Social Justice provides ethically traded coffee, tea, chocolate and olive oil thorough Equal Exchange. Equal Exchange was the first fair trade company in the U.S. founded in 1986. Equal Exchange 's mission is to build long-term trade partnerships that are economically just and environmentally sound and to foster mutually beneficial relationships between farmer and consumers. Equal Exchange products are sold the First Sunday of the month in the West Narthex 8:00am-12:15pm after Mass
Click below:
Read the full text of the Key Themes of Catholic Social Teaching
Visit Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish
Bread for the World https://www.bread.org/
Catholic Climate Covenant https://catholicclimatecovenant.org/
Exodus World Service https://exodusworldservice.org/
Water With Blessings https://waterwithblessings.org/
United State Conference of Catholic Bishops https://www.usccb.org/