Becoming Catholic (OCIA)

  • Are you or someone you know unbaptized?
  • Have you considered baptism?
  • Are you baptized in another faith community and have considered becoming Catholic?
  • Are you a baptized Catholic, but haven’t completed the sacraments of Initiation?

 If you answered yes to one of the questions above, it’s not too early to think about starting the process. We are here to speak with you.

Adult Faith Formation invites you to journey with us through the process of the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). Through this wonderful process, you'll learn about the Catholic faith, establish a deep relationship with Christ, and connect with others in our faith community

For more information about our OCIA program, submit the form below or contact:

Jen Lebhardt at 815-463-4266 or email at

I'm interested in the OCIA program - 

Becoming Catholic / OCIA

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