Congratulations! Your child's Baptism will be a special moment for you and your family. It will also be a special moment for your parish as we welcome your child into God's family.

Baptisms are celebrated on most Sundays at 12:30pm.

If this is your first child to be baptized at St. Jude, we ask you to attend a Baptism Preparation Class before scheduling a Baptism date.

If you have not registered as a parishioner of St. Jude Church, we ask that you please do so.

Baptism schedule

Baptism Preparation

Our Baptism Preparation Classes are scheduled Monday's at 6:30pm:


February 24

Please complete the form and we will contact you.

Baptism Preparation Class Request

New Lenox, Illinois


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Baptism Dates (subject to availability)
Baptisms are celebrated on most Sundays at 12:30pm.

March 2 
May 11, 18
June 1, 8, 15, 29

If you had a child baptized at St. Jude, you do not need to attend the Baptism Preparation Class again. Please complete the Baptismal Information Form and contact the Parish Office at 815-463-4200 to register for a Baptism date. 

A baptism date will not be reserved until the Baptism Form is received.

Baptism Registration Form

Godparent Information
Choosing Godparents

Church law requires that a person who is to be baptized have at least one godparent who:

  • Is a Baptized and Confirmed member of the Catholic Church.
  • Is willing and able to help the child develop and grow in the Catholic faith.
  • Is sixteen years of age or older.

If there are two godparents (only one is required), one must be male and the other female.

A baptized Christian, who is not a Catholic, may participate along with a Catholic godparent by serving as a “Christian Witness”.

Non-baptized persons may not officially act as a godparent or a witness to a Baptism of a child in the Catholic Faith.

The names of the godparent(s) and witness, will be recorded in the baptismal records of the church.

Godparents Guidelines

It is a joy to welcome a new child by birth or by adoption. It is an added joy to welcome a new child of God through the waters of Baptism.

Your task, your ministry, is to be a good Christian role model for this child - to set an example by leading a loving and caring Christian life.

Baptism is only the beginning of a lifelong relationship with your godchild who on that day becomes a new member of God's family and a new member of the Church.

Here are some suggestions to assist and guide you in fulfilling your responsibilities as a godparent.

  • Start now by praying for your godchild.
  • Spend time together. 
  • Send cards, notes, email messages.
  • Call from time to time.
  • Attend Mass together.
  • Pray together.
  • Read the Bible together.
  • Celebrate the anniversary of Baptism.
  • Serve as a good Christian role model.

Become a Member of St. Jude