Elizabeth Ministry

The St. Jude Elizabeth Ministry invites all women of the parish to gather with friends to learn more about our outreach to affirm, support, and encourage women in special times of motherhood.

A special blessing is extended at the

11am Mass on the second Sunday of each month

to all expectant mothers and families with babies.


Form for April 6 Remembrance Service

Remembrance Service


The Elizabeth Ministry celebrates the gift of all new life. We invite all those welcoming new life through conception or the adoption process to receive a special blessing at this Mass. Ministers are in the Narthex after Mass to extend a token of care and support to expectant mothers and new mothers.  

Our personal journeys are different, yet we share a common bond in carrying our loved ones forever in our hearts.  Some of our children are known to us in hopes and dreams.  Some were with us for a short time in their mother’s womb, and some were with us in our arms for a brief time.

Memories of our children had their beginnings in our hearts and will continue to live on as a very important part of us.  We continue to pray for these children. Each child called home to heaven shines brightly with us today.

What is the Elizabeth Ministry?

The Elizabeth Ministry supports our faith family's commitment to the sanctity of life. Following the example of Mary and Elizabeth, we share the sacredness of life.

The story of the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth is a profound scriptural example of sharing faith. In supporting one another, they shared the marvel of God's gift of life. The sanctity of life and the power of the Spirit are revealed in the sharing of their stories. It is from this story, we get the name, 'Elizabeth Ministry'.

Elizabeth Ministers are representatives of our faith community supporting the commitment toward the sanctity of life. We are witnesses to the dignity of all life, called to recognize the wonder that God has accomplished in women throughout the ages.

The foundation of the Elizabeth Ministry is prayer. Elizabeth Ministry is a response to the needs of women and their families during the childbearing years, supporting the joys, trials, and sorrows of childbearing. We support, encourage, and offer friendship to assist one another during this unique time in our lives. We invite our St. Jude faith family to join in prayer to give praise for the gift of life from our Creator.

If you want to offer prayer intentions for related childbearing experiences, please send an email to  .

"Mary set out at that time and went as quickly as she could 
to a town in the hill country of Judah. She went into Zechariah's house 
and greeted Elizabeth. Now, as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, 
the child leapt in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 
She gave a loud cry and said, Of all women, you are the most blessed, 
and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why should I be honored with a 
visit from the mother of my Lord? For the moment your 
greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy. 
Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise 
made by the Lord would be fulfilled'." ~ Luke, 1:39-45