Baptism Hospitality

Baptism hospitality ministers represent St. Jude at the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism.

As parish representatives, you will extend the warmth of our parish community by welcoming and assisting the young families who are bringing their babies to be baptized, as well as their relatives and friends.

To those you greet, you are the heart and hands of Jesus Christ. Some of the people you greet may not have been in the church for some time. Others are not of our faith; and, still others may be searching for a faith community. What a wonderful opportunity to reach out to them as Jesus would. In fact, Jesus will be reaching out to them-through you!

In addition to your role as minister of hospitality, you will be asked to prepare the worship space for the baptism liturgy.

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on Sunday afternoons at 1pm.

Baptism Hospitality ministers typically serve once in a two-month period. You can participate in this ministry as a couple or as an individual.

Volunteer for Baptism Hospitality

  Volunteer to Sew Sacramental Gowns