Unplanned Pregnancy Resources:
Hope After Abortion Resources:
Because LIFE IS PRECIOUS, the mission of the Respect Life Ministry is to educate and promote the dignity of life from conception to natural death. Some of the activities include:
- Pray the Rosary for Life weekly; praying for conversion, forgiveness and mercy
- Annual Shower for Life to support local crisis pregnancy centers
- Baby Bottle collections to support local crisis pregnancy centers
- Mother's Day Flower Sale to support local crisis pregnancy centers
- SOS - Shower our Seniors to support local Senior Citizens
- Life Chain to raise awareness
- 40 Days for Life and Prayer Vigils at local abortion clinics
- Movie Nights - Pro-Life Movies to educate and raise awareness
- Various Pro-Life Speakers to educate
- Various events during October, Respect Life Month and January, Roe v Wade Mourning
If you feel called to BE A VOICE FOR LIFE, please join us in this very important ministry.
Rosary For Life - We meet every Saturday at 8am and Wednesday at 7pm on zoom. We invite you to join us in prayer. Contact Doris Santschi for the zoom link. (
Respect Life Ministry - We meet on the second Monday of every month at 7-9pm in Franciscan Hall.