Mass Intentions

If you wish to schedule a Mass for a specific intention, please call
815-485-8049 or visit the Parish Office. The office is open Monday
through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.

Intentions can be requested up to one year in advance.

Masses can be scheduled for the intentions of the living or the deceased
and cards are available to give to the family.

Mass intentions may be requested for:

Saturday at 5pm 
Sunday at 7am, 9am or 11am
Monday through Friday at 7:30am
Thursday at 9:30 am (when School Masses are scheduled).

Mass intentions will be published in the Sunday Bulletin.

Perpetual Enrollment cards are also available from the Augustinian Community.

A Mass Intention Book is located in the Day Chapel and you are welcome to write in, on the date desired, the names and intentions you wish remembered.