Eucharistic Ministers of Care


Many of our Parishioners due to illness, limited mobility and other health related issues are unable to join us to celebrate the Eucharist at Sunday Mass. There are also many Catholics who are residents at Sunny Hill Nursing Home, Paradise Park, Salem Village and Joshua Arms who are unable to attend Sunday Mass.

The Eucharistic Ministers of Care visit and help to make them feel they are part of our Eucharistic Community. The ministers bring the Holy Eucharist, read the Gospel, pray and visit with the home-bound parishioners and nursing home residents. 

This is a very rewarding Ministry; the people we visit are so grateful and show so much faith and love of the Eucharist. Our ministers have said many times we receive so much more than we give. It really is a privilege to serve these faith-filled people, they are a real inspiration to all of us. 

Being a Eucharistic Minister of Care requires a minimum of time, usually two to three hours one Sunday a month. With the growth of our parish, we have an increased need for ministers to serve the nursing homes and our parishioners who are homebound. Please consider joining us in this important and rewarding ministry.

For more information or to join this ministry, contact Teri Brost  815-485-8049.